IN-RICHES is committed to connecting researchers, policymakers, and producers with resources that advance soil health in the Rocky Mountain West and beyond.
*NEW: DIY Soil Health Work Packet*
Linking the worlds of science and stewardship, the D.I.Y. Toolbox for Evaluating Soil Health presents a practical, customized approach for evaluating soil health at home. Through step-by-step methods of observation, evaluation, and interpretation users will learn about the most important features of soil health and how land management practices can enhance them. This style of soil assessment uses only the senses and household items and does not require special equipment or lab analysis. It serves as a toolbox of ideas and inexpensive methods that will lead to actionable insights.
Rocky Mountain Soil Health Roadmap
This Roadmap is the conference report of the Rocky Mountain Soil Health Roundtable. It is the result of stakeholder engagement conducted at the in-person event in Denver on September 19th-20th, 2023, and virtually over the last year. This document summarizes the results of that process, identifies barriers and opportunities, and suggests next steps for implementation.
"Exploring Soils" Curriculum
Announcing the IN-RICHES “Exploring Soils" Curriculum. Whether you are new to the topic of soil health or already familiar with it, these materials provide a starting point from which to think critically and holistically about the soils as the foundation for sustainable and resilient agriculture. We’d love to hear how these materials contribute to your soil health journey!
"Living Soils" AI Poster
Introducing our latest innovation: an AI-generated poster dedicated to soil health. Harnessing the power of artificial intelligence, this poster serves as an informative visual aid, highlighting the multifaceted aspects of soil health and its significance in sustaining life on our planet.
Rocky Mountain Region
In-Field Soil Health Assessment Guide
The purpose of the Rocky Mountain Region Soil Health In-Field Assessment Guide is to provide a standardized and comprehensive manual for conducting soil health assessments in the region. The manual aims to serve as a valuable resource for various stakeholders, extension agents, agronomists, and producers, who are actively engaged in improving soil health and sustainable land management practices.
Colorado Soil Health Program
IN-RICHES is a key partner for the Colorado Soil Health Program. As part of the program, CDA works in partnership with Colorado’s conservation districts and other eligible entities to provide financial and technical assistance to farmers and ranchers across the state. Participants gain familiarity and expertise with new practices and an increased understanding of the environmental and economic outcomes associated with them. The program also includes robust soil health, economic, and sociological research as well as peer-to-peer learning, engagement, and educational activities.
Saving Tomorrow's Agriculture Resources (STAR)
IN-RICHES is working with National STAR, Colorado Department of Agriculture, Ground Up Consulting, and others to bring STAR to the Rocky Mountain West and beyond. STAR is an exciting initiative developed by farmers and soil and water conservation professionals that offers farm operators and landowners a simple, free, and confidential tool to evaluate their conservation land management practices. The goal of STAR is to encourage the continued adoption of conservation practices, and recognize farmers for their commitment to sustainability.